API 瀏覽器
useMeta composable

The useMeta composable is part of Quasar Meta Plugin. If you haven’t dug into it by now, please have a first read there.


For static meta configuration (non-reactive)

import { useMeta } from 'quasar'

setup () {
  useMeta({ /* meta config */ })

For dynamic meta configuration (reactive)

import { useMeta } from 'quasar'

setup () {
  // essentially acting as a computed property
  useMeta(() => {
    // compute or reference other stuff
    // in your component
    // then return:
    return { /* meta config */ }


import { useMeta } from 'quasar'

export default {
  setup () {
    const title = ref('Some title') // we define the "title" prop

    // NOTICE the parameter here is a function
    // Under the hood, it is converted to a Vue computed prop for reactivity
    useMeta(() => {
      return {
        // whenever "title" from above changes, your meta will automatically update
        title: title.value

    function setAnotherTitle () {
      title.value = 'Another title' // will automatically trigger a Meta update due to the binding

    return {