API 瀏覽器
quasar.config 檔案
將專案轉換為搭配 Vite 的 CLI
支援 TypeScript
CSS 預處理器
延遲載入 - 代码分割
API 代理
處理 Vite
處理 process.env
使用 Pinia 的狀態管理
使用 Vuex 的狀態管理
Ajax 請求
Quasar CLI with Vite - @quasar/app-vite
Types of BEX

As already discussed, Quasar can handle the various places where a browser extension can live, namely New Tab, Web Page, Dev Tools Options or Popup. You don’t need a separate Quasar App for each of these. You can do some handy work with the router.

New Tab

This is the default way in which a BEX will run. It is accessed by clicking on the BEX icon in your browser. The Quasar App will run in that new (blank) tab.

Dev Tools, Options and Popup

These all follow the same pattern, set up a route and configure the manifest.json file to look at that route when it’s trying to show either one of the types. For instance


const routes = [
  { path: '/options', component: () => import('pages/OptionsPage.vue') },
  { path: '/popup', component: () => import('pages/PopupPage.vue') },
  { path: '/devtools', component: () => import('pages/DevToolsPage.vue') }

You could configure your manifest.json file with the following so the options page is loaded from that route

manifest v2

  "manifest_version": 2,

  "options_page": "www/index.html#/options", // Options Page
  "browser_action": {
    "default_popup": "www/index.html#/popup" // Popup Page
  "devtools_page": "www/index.html#/devtools", // Dev Tools

manifest v3

  "manifest_version": 3,

  "action": {
    "default_popup": "www/index.html#/popup" // Popup Page
  "options_page": "www/index.html#/options", // Options Page
  "devtools_page": "www/index.html#/devtools", // Dev Tools

Web Page

This is where the real power comes in. With a little ingenuity we can inject our Quasar application into a web page and use it as an overlay making it seem like our Quasar App is part of the page experience.

Here’s a brief rundown of how you could achieve this

  • src-bex/my-content-script.js

The idea here is to create an IFrame and add our Quasar app into it, then inject that into the page.

Given our Quasar App might need to take the full height of the window (and thus stop any interaction with the underlying page) we have an event to handle setting the height of the IFrame. By default the IFrame height is just high enough to allow for the Quasar toolbar to show (and in turn allowing interaction with the rest of the page).


// Hooks added here have a bridge allowing communication between the BEX Content Script and the Quasar Application.
// More info: https://quasar.dev.org.tw/quasar-cli/developing-browser-extensions/content-hooks
import { bexContent } from 'quasar/wrappers'

  iFrame = document.createElement('iframe'),
  defaultFrameHeight = '62px'

 * Set the height of our iFrame housing our BEX
 * @param height
const setIFrameHeight = height => {
  iFrame.height = height

 * Reset the iFrame to its default height e.g The height of the top bar.
const resetIFrameHeight = () => {

 * The code below will get everything going. Initialize the iFrame with defaults and add it to the page.
 * @type {string}
iFrame.id = 'bex-app-iframe'
iFrame.width = '100%'

// Assign some styling so it looks seamless
Object.assign(iFrame.style, {
  position: 'fixed',
  top: '0',
  right: '0',
  bottom: '0',
  left: '0',
  border: '0',
  zIndex: '9999999', // Make sure it's on top
  overflow: 'visible'

;(function () {
  // When the page loads, insert our browser extension app.
  iFrame.src = chrome.runtime.getURL('www/index.html')

export default bexContent((bridge) => {
   * When the drawer is toggled set the iFrame height to take the whole page.
   * Reset when the drawer is closed.
  bridge.on('wb.drawer.toggle', ({ data, respond }) => {
    if (data.open) {
    } else {

We can call this event from our Quasar App any time we know we’re opening the drawer and thus changing the height of the IFrame to allow the whole draw to be visible.

  • src-bex/assets/content.css

Add a margin to the top of our document so our Quasar toolbar doesn’t overlap the actual page content.

.target-some-header-class {
  margin-top: 62px;
  • Quasar App (/src)

Then in our Quasar app (/src), we have a function that toggles the drawer and sends an event to the content script telling it to resize the IFrame thus allowing our whole app to be visible

<q-drawer :model-value="drawerIsOpen" @update:model-value="drawerToggled">
  Some Content
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'
import { ref } from 'vue'

setup () {
  const $q = useQuasar()
  const drawerIsOpen = ref(true)

  async function drawerToggled () {
    await $q.bex.send('wb.drawer.toggle', {
      open: drawerIsOpen.value // So it knows to make it bigger / smaller

    // Only set this once the promise has resolved so we can see the entire slide animation.
    drawerIsOpen.value = !drawerIsOpen.value

  return { drawerToggled }

Now you have a Quasar App running in a web page. You can now trigger other events from the Quasar App that the content script can listen to and interact with the underlying page.


Be sure to check your manifest file, especially around the reference to my-content-script.js. Note that you can have multiple content scripts. Whenever you create a new one, you need to reference it in the manifest file, and in the bex.contentScripts section of the quasar.config file.