API 瀏覽器
useId composable
Quasar v2.15+

The useId() composable returns a Vue Ref holding a string that can be used as a unique identifier to apply to a DOM node attribute.

Should you supply a function (getValue from the typing below) to get the value that the id might have, it will make sure to keep it updated.

On SSR, it takes into account the process of hydration so that your component won’t generate any such errors.


import { useId } from 'quasar'

setup () {
  const id = useId()
  // ...
function useId(
  opts?: {
    getValue?: () => string | null | undefined;
    required?: boolean; // default: true
): Ref<string | null>;


  <div :id="id">
    Some component

import { useId } from 'quasar'

export default {
  props: {
    for: String

  setup () {
    const id = useId({
      getValue: () => props.for,
      required: true

    return { id }