API 瀏覽器
升級指南 (Upgrade guide)
quasar.config 檔案 (The quasar.config file)
使用 Vite 轉換專案至 CLI (Convert project to CLI with Vite)
瀏覽器相容性 (Browser Compatibility)
支援 TypeScript (Supporting TypeScript)
目錄結構 (Directory Structure)
命令列表 (Commands List)
CSS 預處理器 (CSS Preprocessors)
路由 (Routing)
懶加載 - 程式碼分割 (Lazy Loading - Code Splitting)
處理資源 (Handling Assets)
啟動檔案 (Boot Files)
預取功能 (Prefetch Feature)
API 代理 (API Proxying)
處理 Vite (Handling Vite)
處理 process.env (Handling process.env)
使用 Pinia 進行狀態管理 (State Management with Pinia)
使用 Vuex 進行狀態管理 (State Management with Vuex)
程式碼檢查工具 (Linter)
測試 & 稽核 (Testing & Auditing)
Ajax 請求
Quasar CLI with Vite - @quasar/app-vite
Preparation for SSR

We’ll be using Quasar CLI to develop and build a SSR website. The difference between building a SPA, Mobile App, Electron App, PWA or SSR is simply determined by the “mode” parameter in “quasar dev” and “quasar build” commands.

In order to develop or build a SSR website, we first need to add the SSR mode to our Quasar project

$ quasar mode add ssr

If you want to jump right in and start developing, you can skip the “quasar mode” command and issue

$ quasar dev -m ssr

This will add SSR mode automatically, if it is missing.

A new folder will appear in your project folder (which is explained in detail on the Configuring SSR page)

# SSR middleware files
# SSR webserver