Before you begin with Quasar, it is a good idea to get acquainted with ES6 and have a fairly good knowledge about how Vue 3 works. (Quick overview of ES6 and ES6 complete list of features – don’t worry, you don’t need to understand ALL of ES6). For devs experienced with reactive UIs, the Vue 3 documentation itself takes a half-day at most to read top-to-bottom and will help you understand how Quasar components can be used and configured.
If you are a total beginner to Vue and reactive UI libraries and want a good tutorial, we recommend you take a look at Vue and Quasar video tutorials.
After reading the Vue documentation, let’s clear up some of the most frequently asked questions, like “How can I use Quasar components, Vue properties, methods and events”.
Vue Single File Components (SFC)
You’ll be building your Quasar app using *.vue
files which contain multiple sections: template
(HTML), script
(Javascript) and style
(CSS/SASS/SCSS/Stylus/Less) all in the same file.
Currently, it is recommended to use Composition API with <script setup>
. Check out Vue.js documentation for more information.
<!-- you define your Vue template here -->
<script setup>
// This is where your Javascript goes
// to define your Vue component, which
// can be a Layout, a Page or your own
// component used throughout the app.
/* This is where your CSS goes */
But you can still use Composition API without <script setup>
or Options API if you wish. The only difference is within the <script>
<!-- you define your Vue template here -->
// This is where your Javascript goes
// to define your Vue component, which
// can be a Layout, a Page or your own
// component used throughout the app.
export default {
/* This is where your CSS goes */
CSS preprocessors
For the <style>
tag, you can also use whatever CSS preprocessor you want. Sass/SCSS (recommended) is available out of the box.
You can specify you want your chosen preprocessor to handle the CSS code that you’re writing
<!-- notice lang="sass" -->
<style lang="sass">
font-size: 15px
<!-- notice lang="scss" -->
<style lang="scss">
.some-div {
font-size: 15px;
Using Quasar Directives
Quasar comes with a few custom Vue Directives. These directives can be applied on almost any DOM element or Component.
Example of a Quasar directive
<div v-ripple>Click Me</div>
Notice how Ripple is used in the HTML template as
. Vue directives are prefixed withv-
<div v-touch-pan="handler">...</div>
<div v-touch-swipe="handler">...</div>
<div v-ripple>Click me. I got ripples.</div>
Using Quasar Components
Quasar 元件的名稱都以 "Q" 開頭,例如 "QBtn" 或 "QElementResizeObserver"。為了使用它們,您需要在 /quasar.config
讓我們以 QBtn 和 QIcon 為例,然後看看如何在我們的應用程式中嵌入這些元件
<q-btn @click="doSomething" label="Do something" />
<q-icon name="alarm" />
請注意 QBtn 在 Vue HTML 模板中是如何以
方式使用的。如果我們要導入 QElementResizeObserver,那麼我們會在模板中以<q-element-resize-observer>
使用 Quasar 插件
Quasar 插件是您可以在 Vue 檔案內外使用的功能,例如 Notify、BottomSheet、AppVisibility 等等。
在您的應用程式中使用它們之前,您需要在 /quasar.config
framework: {
plugins: [ 'Notify', 'BottomSheet' ]
讓我們以 Notify 作為範例,看看我們如何使用它。在 Vue 檔案中,您可以這樣寫(Composition API)
@click="$q.notify('My message')"
label="Show a notification"
label="Show another notification"
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'
export default {
setup () {
const $q = useQuasar()
function showNotification () {
$q.notify('Some other message')
return {
以下是在 Options API 中等效的 script 區塊
export default {
methods: {
showNotification () {
this.$q.notify('Some other message')
現在讓我們看看在 Vue 檔案之外使用 Notify 的範例
import { Notify } from 'quasar'
// ...
Notify.create('My message')
當您使用 Quasar UMD 版本時,請勿使用自我關閉標籤形式。您的瀏覽器會在 Vue 解析您的 DOM 元素之前先解析 HTML,因此您的 HTML 語法必須正確。未知的標籤(例如 Vue 元件)不能自我關閉,因為您的瀏覽器會將它們解釋為您正在開啟一個標籤但從未關閉它。
有些 Quasar 元件不需要您在其中包含 HTML 內容。在這種情況下,您可以將它們用作自我關閉標籤。以下是一個 QIcon 的範例
<q-icon name="cloud" />
<q-icon name="cloud"></q-icon>
兩種形式都是有效的並且可以使用,但 UMD 除外,在 UMD 中您必須明確地關閉標籤。它與常規 DOM 元素的工作方式相同
<div class="col" />
<!-- equivalent to: -->
<div class="col"></div>
某些 eslint-plugin-vue 檢查規則實際上強制使用自我關閉語法。
處理 Vue 屬性
讓我們以一個虛構的 Quasar 元件(我們將其稱為 QBogus)為例,它支援以下屬性。我們將在以下章節中討論每種類型的 Vue 屬性。
Vue 屬性 | 類型 | 描述 |
infinite | Boolean | 無限滑動捲軸 |
size | String | 載入條的粗細。 |
speed | Number | 載入條更新其值的速度(以毫秒為單位)。 |
columns | Object | 定義欄位的物件(請參閱下面的「欄位定義」)。 |
offset | Array | 包含兩個數字的陣列。水平和垂直方向的偏移量(以像素為單位)。 |
在 Quasar 中,所有布林屬性的預設值都是 false
。因此,您不必明確地將 false
<q-bogus :infinite="myInfiniteVariable" />
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
setup () {
const myInfiniteVariable = ref(false)
return {
另一方面,如果您知道這個布林值不會改變,您可以像元件屬性一樣使用變數的簡寫版本並直接指定它。換句話說,如果您不將變數綁定到元件作用域中的變數,它將始終為 true
<q-bogus infinite />
the following is perfectly valid,
but it's a longer version
<q-bogus :infinite="true" />
direct assignment, no need for
a variable in our scope
<q-bogus size="24px" />
we can also bind it to a variable
in our scope so we can dynamically
change it
<q-bogus :size="mySize" />
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
setup () {
// notice String as value
const mySize = ref('16px')
return {
Case 1. Direct assignment.
Notice the colon (":") before property name.
<q-bogus :speed="50" />
<!-- Case 2. Assignment through a scope variable -->
<q-bogus :speed="myNumber" />
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
setup () {
// notice Number as value
const myNumber = ref(50)
return {
<!-- Case 1. Direct assignment. -->
<q-bogus :columns="{key: 'value', anotherKey: 'another value'}" />
<!-- Case 2. Assignment through a scope variable -->
<q-bogus :columns="myColumns" />
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
setup () {
const myColumns = ref({
key: 'value',
anotherKey: 'another value'
return { myColumns }
<!-- Case 1. Direct assignment. -->
<q-bogus :offset="[10, 20]" />
<!-- Case 2. Assignment through a scope variable -->
<q-bogus :offset="myOffset" />
export default {
setup () {
return {
myOffset: [10, 20]
處理 Vue 方法
您會在整個文件中注意到,某些 Quasar 元件具有可以呼叫的方法。範例
Vue 方法 | 描述 |
next() | 前往下一個幻燈片。 |
previous(doneFn) | 前往上一個幻燈片。 |
toggleFullscreen() | 切換全螢幕模式。 |
為了讓您存取這些方法,您需要先在元件上設定 Vue 參考。以下是 Composition API 的範例
Notice ref="myRef". We will use the name
assigned to "ref" in the script part below
<q-bogus ref="myRef" />
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'
export default {
setup () {
const myRef = ref(null)
// after the component has mounted into DOM:
onMounted(() => {
// we call "next()" method of our component
// calling before mount point might result in errors
// as Vue hasn't yet prepared the Vue reference
// we expose myRef to the scope so Vue
// can use it in the template as well
return { myRef }
這是相同的範例,但使用 Options API
Notice ref="myRef". We will use the name
assigned to "ref" in the script part below
<q-bogus ref="myRef" />
export default {
// we can now access `this.$refs.myRef`
// an example on the mounted() Vue component hook
mounted () {
// calling "next()" method:
// calling before mount point might result in errors
// as Vue hasn't yet prepared the Vue reference
處理 Vue 事件
您會在整個文件中注意到,某些 Quasar 元件有一個名為「Vue 事件」的章節。
「Vue 事件」範例
事件名稱 | 描述 |
@show | 在 Modal 顯示後立即觸發。 |
@hide | 在 Modal 隱藏後立即觸發。 |
為了讓您捕獲這些事件(當它們被觸發時),您需要在 HTML 模板中的元件本身上為它們添加監聽器。這是一個範例
<q-bogus @show="doSomething" @hide="doSomethingElse" />
export default {
setup () {
function doSomething () {
// this method has been called (in this case)
// because @show event was triggered by QBogus component
function doSomethingElse () {
// this method has been called (in this case)
// because @hide event was triggered by QBogus component
return {